Beyond Surviving Coaches

Beyond Surviving Coaches

One-on-one sessions with a Beyond Surviving Coach are meant to help you fully integrate what you're learning in the Beyond Surviving program, receive support and guidance in any areas where you're feeling stuck, and get the most out of the program, by connecting with someone who has also gone on this journey!

Jocelyn's work is driven by a passion to help empower others to advance their vision for creating a better world. By applying her zest and tenacity to every project or goal, she delivers beyond what's expected. Jocelyn is an advocate for survivors of trauma, restorative justice, leadership development, and sex education. She is committed to ending violence through education, prevention, and raising awareness by empowering youth and survivors to know their bodies and their rights. Jocelyn graduated from Smith College's School for Social Work in 2018. She enjoys smoothies, being outside, chocolate, boxing, meditation, sending snail mail, playing with her niece and nephew, and running 5k's.


To start your journey to Beyond Surviving, your first step is to complete a brief application to be considered for the program.

For Women
For Men